John Smith

Member for 1533707108

5 Posts & Comments

Commented on unknown content 😴
John Smith 1534693115

I did so. To activate the particles, I pressed SHIFT+F5. However, activation occurs only after a few clicks (many many clicks). Moreover, sometimes it works Lshift+F5 and not working Rshift+F5, and sometimes vice versa: Rshift+F5 works and Lshift+F5 is not. SHIFT+F6, SHIFT+F7 do not work. I don’t have any problems with overridden hand gesture on another avatars.

John Smith 1534653942

Small buttons are not in their places and when the character crouches in the VR mode, the knees move toward each other.

Commented on unknown content 😴
John Smith 1534652599

There is no any particles. Standard hand gestures.

John Smith 1533707269

All textures are white except for a tie, eyes and facial skin.